HEB Facebook Blog HEB Instagram Blog Check out this incredible bodywork tool I use to address digestive issues and eliminate adhesions! With my 17 lbs. bodywork tool, I can target scar tissue and fibroids, vaporizing them for improved digestion and overall well-being. Experience the transformative power of structural integration bodywork at heavyelbowbodywork.com call with questions at 303-520-8098 #DigestiveHealth #ScarTissueRemoval #FibroidTreatment #BodyworkTherapy #StructuralIntegration #HolisticHealing #WellnessJourney #AdhesionRelease #DeepTissueTherapy |
Exciting Announcement! Do you or someone you know suffer from Bell's palsy or any other palsy-related condition? I have fantastic news for you! I can help restore function and relieve the symptoms by addressing the root cause, which is located in the tongue, roof of the mouth, and even the ear. My unique approach at Heavy Elbow Bodywork involves freeing up nerve impingement and restoring balance to the entire face, from right to left giving you twin right and left sides. Through correct structural body framing and alignment, we can unlock the complete function of the face. If you're ready to experience relief and regain control, I invite you to schedule an appointment today! As a dedicated Structural Integration Therapist, I am here to support you on your journey towards optimal health function and well-being. Don't let palsy hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a brighter, more vibrant future. Visit HeavyElbowBodywork.com or message me directly at 303-520-8098 to book your appointment. Let's work together to unlock your body's full potential! #BellesPalsy #PalsyRelief #StructuralIntegration #NaturalHealing #OptimalHealth #HeavyElbowBodywork
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it hurt to receive treatment at Heavy Elbow Bodywork? Yes, it may hurt, but it will not exceed any current pain levels you may have. It's short-term pain for long-term gain, as opposed to long-term, low-level pain with zero gain.
Why am I suddenly feeling such intense pain? There are 650 muscles that I aid, and unfortunately, the more you use specific areas of your body, they begin to lose function and develop scar tissue over time, resulting in any pain you may feel. But don't worry, we can get you feeling back to 110%, as each muscle can be restored to full function.
Is it a regular massage? My bodywork is used for restructuring and recalibrating the entire body. While it may not feel similar to prior massages, it focuses on repairing any ailments to ensure your body is functioning at full levels, reducing your need for future treatments. Standard massage practices focus on kneading, whereas my unique, individualized bodywork focuses on dissolving adhesions and expert-level myofascial release.
What is the likelihood of injury from receiving such deep tissue work? My work consists of manual manipulations applied with slow velocity to soft tissue adhesions. With that, the pressure is focused on dysfunction for repair, which cannot simultaneously create scar tissue. Put simply, removing scar tissue won't create scar tissue. Is this an effective treatment for surgeries and surgery repair? One of the best ways to prevent surgeries is to come in for the work to prevent it because the same work is required to repair the effects of surgery and balance surgical procedures.
Does Heavy Elbow Bodywork accept insurance? Unfortunately, we do not. We do accept HSA debit and credit cards. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
Heavy Elbow Bodywork Treatment List:
#AbdominalPain #AchillesTendonPain #AcromioclavicularJointPain #AdductorMusclePain #AdhesiveCapsulitisPain #AnklePain #ACLTearPain #ArthritisPain #BackPain #BellybuttonHernia #BicepMusclePain #BladderPain #BloatingRemoval #BunionsRemoval #BreathingRestoration #CSectionPrevention #CalfMusclePain #CarpalTunnelSyndrome #CeliacDisease #CervicalRadiculopathy #ChestPain #ColdHandsAndFeet #CorrectiveJawSurgery #CrohnsDiseaseSymptoms #CrowsFeet #DeQuervainsTenosynovitis #DigestiveIssues #Endometriosis #EyesBags #FatRemoval #Fibromyalgia #GallbladderPain #GlutenIntolerance #GoutRemoval #HammerToeRemoval #HearingLoss #HerniaPain #HerniatedDiscPain #HipBursitis #HipDysplasiaRepair #HipFlexorMusclePain #HipMusclePain #HipPain #HiatalHerniaRelief #HPyloriRemoval #Infertility #InvertedCervicalSpinePain #IntercostalMusclePain #ITBandPain #JawPain #JointPain #KidneyStonePain #KneePain #LCLTearPain #LatissimusDorsiMusclePain #LegMusclePain #LevatorScapulaeMusclePain #LigamentStrainPain #LipAdhesions #LiverPain #LongCovid #LymphaticPain #MCLTearPain #MeniscusTearPain #MenstrualCramps #Migraine #MotionSicknessRemoval #MSPainRemoval #MortonsNeuromaPain #MuscleCramps #MuscleKnotsPain #MuscleSoreness #MyofascialPainSyndrome #NeckPain #NervePain #ObliqueMusclePain #OlecranonBursitisPain #OsgoodSchlatterDiseasePain #OvulationPain #PancreasPain #PatellarTendonPain #PatellofemoralPainSyndrome #PectoralMusclePain #PelvicPain #PeronealTendonitisPain #PersistentPain #PlantarFasciitisPain #PostnatalStructuralIntegration #PrenatalMassage #ProstatePain #QuadricepsMusclePain #RectusAbdominisMusclePain #ReynardsSyndromeRepair #RibCartilagePain #RibPain #RotatorCuffPain #RunnyNose #SalivaryGlandRestoration #SciaticaPain #ScoliosisPain #SerratusAnteriorMusclePain #ShinSplints #ShoulderMusclePain #SinusPain #SjogrensDiseaseSymptoms #SleepApneaRemoval #SnappingHipSyndromePain #SnoringElimination #SoleusMusclePain #SoreThroatPain #SprainedAnklePain #StomachAche #TarsalTunnelSyndromePain
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it hurt to receive treatment at Heavy Elbow Bodywork? Yes, it may hurt, but it will not exceed any current pain levels you may have. It's short-term pain for long-term gain, as opposed to long-term, low-level pain with zero gain.
Why am I suddenly feeling such intense pain? There are 650 muscles that I aid, and unfortunately, the more you use specific areas of your body, they begin to lose function and develop scar tissue over time, resulting in any pain you may feel. But don't worry, we can get you feeling back to 110%, as each muscle can be restored to full function.
Is it a regular massage? My bodywork is used for restructuring and recalibrating the entire body. While it may not feel similar to prior massages, it focuses on repairing any ailments to ensure your body is functioning at full levels, reducing your need for future treatments. Standard massage practices focus on kneading, whereas my unique, individualized bodywork focuses on dissolving adhesions and expert-level myofascial release.
What is the likelihood of injury from receiving such deep tissue work? My work consists of manual manipulations applied with slow velocity to soft tissue adhesions. With that, the pressure is focused on dysfunction for repair, which cannot simultaneously create scar tissue. Put simply, removing scar tissue won't create scar tissue. Is this an effective treatment for surgeries and surgery repair? One of the best ways to prevent surgeries is to come in for the work to prevent it because the same work is required to repair the effects of surgery and balance surgical procedures.
Does Heavy Elbow Bodywork accept insurance? Unfortunately, we do not. We do accept HSA debit and credit cards. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
Heavy Elbow Bodywork Treatment List:
#AbdominalPain #AchillesTendonPain #AcromioclavicularJointPain #AdductorMusclePain #AdhesiveCapsulitisPain #AnklePain #ACLTearPain #ArthritisPain #BackPain #BellybuttonHernia #BicepMusclePain #BladderPain #BloatingRemoval #BunionsRemoval #BreathingRestoration #CSectionPrevention #CalfMusclePain #CarpalTunnelSyndrome #CeliacDisease #CervicalRadiculopathy #ChestPain #ColdHandsAndFeet #CorrectiveJawSurgery #CrohnsDiseaseSymptoms #CrowsFeet #DeQuervainsTenosynovitis #DigestiveIssues #Endometriosis #EyesBags #FatRemoval #Fibromyalgia #GallbladderPain #GlutenIntolerance #GoutRemoval #HammerToeRemoval #HearingLoss #HerniaPain #HerniatedDiscPain #HipBursitis #HipDysplasiaRepair #HipFlexorMusclePain #HipMusclePain #HipPain #HiatalHerniaRelief #HPyloriRemoval #Infertility #InvertedCervicalSpinePain #IntercostalMusclePain #ITBandPain #JawPain #JointPain #KidneyStonePain #KneePain #LCLTearPain #LatissimusDorsiMusclePain #LegMusclePain #LevatorScapulaeMusclePain #LigamentStrainPain #LipAdhesions #LiverPain #LongCovid #LymphaticPain #MCLTearPain #MeniscusTearPain #MenstrualCramps #Migraine #MotionSicknessRemoval #MSPainRemoval #MortonsNeuromaPain #MuscleCramps #MuscleKnotsPain #MuscleSoreness #MyofascialPainSyndrome #NeckPain #NervePain #ObliqueMusclePain #OlecranonBursitisPain #OsgoodSchlatterDiseasePain #OvulationPain #PancreasPain #PatellarTendonPain #PatellofemoralPainSyndrome #PectoralMusclePain #PelvicPain #PeronealTendonitisPain #PersistentPain #PlantarFasciitisPain #PostnatalStructuralIntegration #PrenatalMassage #ProstatePain #QuadricepsMusclePain #RectusAbdominisMusclePain #ReynardsSyndromeRepair #RibCartilagePain #RibPain #RotatorCuffPain #RunnyNose #SalivaryGlandRestoration #SciaticaPain #ScoliosisPain #SerratusAnteriorMusclePain #ShinSplints #ShoulderMusclePain #SinusPain #SjogrensDiseaseSymptoms #SleepApneaRemoval #SnappingHipSyndromePain #SnoringElimination #SoleusMusclePain #SoreThroatPain #SprainedAnklePain #StomachAche #TarsalTunnelSyndromePain